On January 14, 2017, Pacilink ?held its 2017 Business Planning Conference & 2016?Staff Commendation Ceremony at the?Zhuhai Holiday Resort?Hotel. President Mr. Tommy Zhong, Director Ms.Karen Qin and managers of ?all the project and functional departments attended the conference with the managers presenting work summaries for 2016 and ?work plans and targets for 2017.

The following are pictures of??Ms.Karen Qin presenting awards to??outstanding staff members and Mr. Tommy Zhong presenting awards to??outstanding teams.

Picture?1: Ms.Karen Qin?presents awards to outstanding staff members

Picture2: Mr. Tommy Zhong presents the outstanding?team awards to the Finance Department

Picture?3: Mr. Tommy Zhong presents the outstanding?team award to the P&D Department

Picture 4:Mr. Tommy Zhong presents the award for significant contribution to the Purchasing ?Department

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