Right on January 25, 2018, Pacilink Engineering (Malaysia) Snd. Bnd. was??officially?established. It?is Pacilink’s?first subsidiary?company set up overseas, marking a new starting point for Pacilink?to go out of Macao and open up markets abroad. In the near future, with large-scale construction projects such as Bandar Malaysia?and Singapore-Malaysia High Speed Rail projects to be?launched , Pacilink Engineering (Malaysia) Snd. Bnd.will bring more oppotunities and create?a new cause.

2018 will be?a key year for Pacilink?to start its business operation under the guildline of?new strategies. Pacilink is committed to focusing on?oppotunities and following national development stateties in?”One Belt and One Road” and “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” . And firm steps are to be?taken for the company to”go global” , especially in?Greater China and Southeast Asia.


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