On November 10, 2019, Runners from Pacilink Engineering (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. joined  the charity race of Hong Kong [Lifewire Run 2019] and won the fourth place in the 10km corporate competition. That’s how we seek to help raising funds for HK children with disabilities to give full play to their talents and spreading the spirit of charity and mutual assistance.

(Picture 1: Lifewire Run 2019 Details)

1.Facing the sun & Setting out

 On November 9th, facing the warm autumn sunshine , we set out for Hong Kong with full energy.

(Picture 2: Facing the Sun & Setting Out)

 After arrived at Hong Kong, why not having a dinner party ? Cheers to the team! Delicious healthy foods help us fully refreshed.

(Picture 3: A Refreshing HK Dinner )

2. [Lifewire Run 2019] Race & Fun

Early in the morning at 7:50 a.m. the next day, we runners set off a 5KM run along the city boulevard and began to do some warm-up excercises seriously.

(Picture 4: A 5KM Run for Warming Up)

On nine o’clock, the Lifewire run kicked off and we rushed out from the Muk Street Garden, Shek Mun, Shatinthe.

(Picture 5: Runner Setting Off)

Along the racing way, paced on white fine sands on the beaches  , we can harldy ignore the sound of seawaves. It really help soothing our swelling muscles and nerves.  When climbing to the mountain, fragrant  forest air rushed into our chests, as if purifed our lungs.

(Picture 6: Cross beaches and Mountains, See Country Animals)

Despite of the hot weather and a long mountain path over 1.5km, nothing can stop our advancing moves. Move on and steadfastly move on, it’s our commitment in this race.

(Picture 7: Move On Along the Mountain Road)

As an old saying, “Perseverance is victory”. We made it and rushed acrossed the finish line briskly. And we won the fourth place of the Corporate Race compitition!

(Picture 8: Pacilnk Team Won the Fourth Place)

It’s our belief that everyone can be a hero helping children with disabilities, as long as we care for them and take actions.

(Picture 9: Be Their Hero, Yes You Can)

One single man’s power might be limited; but with everyone united, our power is boundless. It’s hoped  that our call and actions can help raising more funds for these children and improve their wellbeing.

By running , we can achieve a healthier life and spread positive energy to people around us. If you’re interested, please join us and be one of us.

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