Pacilink is registered with the Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau of Macau (“DSSOPT”) as a licensed constructor. We are also a Class A Contractor (i.e. highest ranking contractor) for bidding public works projects and a permanent member of Macau Construction Association.

Pacilink provides general contracting, subcontracting and project management services for construction engineering , electrical & mechanical works (E&M), plumbing and drainage works (P&D), and heating, ventilation and air conditioning works (HVAC), as well as fitting-out and other related services.

Registered licensed constructor with DSSOPT

Permanent member of Macau Construction Association

Class A Contractor for bidding public works projects

Construction Engineering Services

Demolition works
Foundation works
Main structure

Building Services

Electrical & mechanical works (E&M)
Plumbing and drainage works (P&D)
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
works (HVAC)

Fitting Out and Other Construction-related Services

Design & shop drawing
Execution of fitting out services
(including renovation services)
Landscape architect
Hill slope revetment